- FINANZAS PARA TODOS”: FINANCIAL EDUCATION PLAN OF THE BANK OF SPAIN AND THE NATIONAL SECURITIES MARKET COMMISSION (CNMV): Launched in 2008 by the CNMV and the Bank of Spain under the auspices of the OECD High-Level Principles. Its aim is to improve the financial literacy of Spaniards. It targets all segments of the population. It is the reference portal for financial education: www.finanzasparatodos.es
- ADICAE: The Association of Consumers of Banks, Savings Banks, and Insurance Companies has more than a dozen free financial education courses on its online training platform. If you are interested in the world of savings, loans, or insurance, these courses will help you defend your rights and understand the details of financial products. Online Courses – Cursos Online – Plataforma online de educación financiera y de consumo de ADICAE
- ASUFIN: Association of Financial Services Users: Here you will find studies, product sheets, seminars, documentaries, and all the resources that will help you improve your financial education. Webinars sobre educación financiera | ASUFIN
- CECU: Federation of Consumers and Users. Resources for consumers: No Clames Reclama
- Muy Financiero: is a blog of economic and financial news that aims to be a source of knowledge development of the latest advances in studies related to the economy. This blog is developed by Iván Gutiérrez, author and independent analyst: Muy Financiero – Análisis económico y financiero en serio
- FUNCAS EDUCA: Funcas and CECA agreed to launch the ‘Funcas Program for the Stimulation of Financial Education’ from 2018 onwards. The Program is endowed with three million euros and will contribute to financing financial education activities developed by CECA-affiliated entities: Funcas Educa | Cecabank (rededucacionfinanciera.es)
- Aula Financiera y Digital: Financial and digital education platform, promoted by the banking sector, to facilitate access to knowledge and skills that enable everyone to expand their financial and digital knowledge across all available channels. Plataforma de educación financiera y digital | Aula Financiera y Digital
- Institute of Financial Studies: It is a private foundation created in 1990 by the main credit institutions with the support of the government and with the foundational objective of contributing to innovation, internationalization, and improvement of the financial sector through knowledge via professional training, dissemination, and promotion of financial skills of citizens. Sobre IEF – Instituto de Estudios Financieros (iefweb.org)
- “Your Finances, Your Future”: With these programs, the Spanish Banking Association (AEB) and its associated banks want to demonstrate that their contribution to financial education is a sustained and long-term commitment because they are aware that only continuous and constant educational action can bear fruit in the medium term in a better use and understanding of financial services by citizens. La AEB impulsa la educación financiera a través del programa “Tus finanzas, tu futuro” (bbva.com)

- Post published:June 27, 2023
- Post category:Toolbox
Tags: Debt advice, Debt prevention, ECDN, European Consumer Debt Network, Over-indebtedness, Spain, Tools