Webinar, May 10, 2023
Target Groups for Debt Advice
Invited national experts from Germany, Finland, and Malta will speak on the topic of target groups for debt advice. People experiencing over-indebtedness may have specific concerns or additional needs requiring a more targeted approach to debt advice.

People with gambling debts
Aura Pylkkanen (Finland)
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Vulnerable Groups
Sally Peters (Germany)
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People with Disabilities
Rhoda Garland (Malta)
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Case studies and characteristics of specific client groups
- Active and passive debtors
- Working with people who think they are in helpless situations:
- unemployed people, social welfare recipients,
- people with low disposable income.
- Dealing with sick people, substance and non-substance addicted people,
- Dealing with people with good resources but without budget management
- Problems with running a one-person household by divorcees / singles.
- Typical Senior problems: “grandson” fraud, issues with a new bank, naivety
- Dealing with sick people, substance and non-substance addicted people
- Difficulties in advisory for:
- migrants – language and cultural barrier,
- homeless people,
- delinquents.

This might include key practical aspects of work as a debt advisor.

Co-Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or EISMEA. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.