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Ministry for Social Policy and Children’s Rights – Malta

The Ministry for Social Policy and Children’s Rights is dedicated to enhancing quality of life by providing adequate social benefits to individuals and families in need, offering quality social welfare services, and ensuring proper housing to strengthen local communities. Additionally, it offers appropriate long-term care and high-quality services for the elderly, emphasizing active aging and enabling them to remain in their communities as long as possible. Ensuring equal opportunities for all individuals with disabilities in every aspect is also a key focus.

This is achieved through effective networking, cooperation, and communication among its departments, directorates, and entities. Committed to promoting social cohesion, solidarity, and inclusion for all, the Ministry continually seeks to expand and improve its services to effectively address both current and emerging needs.

Within the Ministry, the Pensions Strategy Directorate falling under the Strategy and Implementation Division informs and contributes to pension policy through  pension research, policy documents and the design of the pension strategy, it is also tasked with educating and equipping Maltese citizens of different needs and ages in the key life-skills of financial capability including the area of debt management through the ĠEMMA programm.

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