Save the date – 30 November & 1 December 2023
In light of the new Consumer Credit Directive, the European Consumer Debt Network (ECDN) will host a discussion event (30 November) and a conference (1 December 2023) to discuss debt advice, financial education, and different approaches and success stories from across the European Union.
Speakers will include European Commission staff, academics and professionals working in the field of consumer debt advice, as well as organisational representatives providing practical and innovative examples of how they have established consumer-facing services over the last year, garnering State- support, and building coalitions and cooperation.
ECDN members & PEPPI participants: 30 November 2023, Rue Washington 10, Brussels, Belgium 1400-1700 (CET)
Attendees will discuss the consequences of the new Consumer Credit Directive on work & planning for ECDN, members and their organisations, and PEPPI participants.
Open Attendance: 1 December 2023, European Commission, Brussels, Belgium 9.30-1700 (CET)
The conference will be an exciting opportunity to reflect on learning from the PEPPI project as it concludes, against the backdrop of the new Consumer Credit Directive. Speakers will not only include a selection of the PEPPI national coordinators, but also EU Commission officials, and members of the ECDN showcasing the useful legacy strands of the PEPPI project.
Register your interest to receive further information about this exciting event:

Co-Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or EISMEA. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.