You are currently viewing Esdebitami Retake Benefit Corporation – Italy

Esdebitami Retake Benefit Corporation – Italy

Esdebitami Retake is a privately held Benefit Corporation serving individuals and family consumers about over-indebtedness since 2013, with a free preliminary advisory.

Counting over 3.000 families under management and more than 100 M gross book value of distressed credits negotiated with financial institutions, Esdebitami Retake focuses on financial inclusion offering effective solutions like “Save Your Home” and “Solvency Pass”, operating professional debt advice, judicial and alternative extra-judicial solutions, medium-long term over-indebtedness prevention and one-to-one physical coaching and financial education to Italian families nationwide, through virtual rooms, direct branches and own qualified personnel in the main cities of Milan, Rome and Catania.

Quote: “ECDN is the most credible European organization to fight over-indebtedness and improve access to debt advice. We are proud to be an ECDN member and strongly believe in financial education and over-indebtedness prevention as pillars of a new individual creditworthiness and social inclusion

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