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Money Matters, Dec. 1998

This issue is from December 1998 and starts with a short article by Hans Grohs from ASB in Austria. The article talks about the behaviour of debt collection companies in Austria and is a short walkthrough of an Austrian research co-ordinated by Hans Grohs. The article tells us that 48% of the pursued claims amount to less than 725€ and that 45% of the affected households have an income below 1.087,5€!

The next article details the debt situation within the Netherlands; it shows that over 660.000 households within the Netherlands had an income below the social minimum and that a total of 200.000 household experience great problems with large amounts of debt. This relates to a presentation made by NIBUD at the General Assembly of the ECDN in November of this year, who said that Some 550.000 households experience serious payment problems in the Netherlands.

You can read more about how these problems were dealt with and other articles from both Spain and Sweden in this week’s issue of Money Matters.

Have a nice read 🙂