The 2024 December Newsletter
Welcome to the Winter Edition of our Newsletter. We hope you enjoy the reports and updates on activities of our members. We invite you to share some…
Welcome to the Winter Edition of our Newsletter. We hope you enjoy the reports and updates on activities of our members. We invite you to share some…
Hungary is a 9.71 million population landlocked country, bordered by Slovakia, Ukraine, Romania, Serbia, Croatia, Slowenia and Austria. Most of these states belonged until 1918 to the…
Lithuania has a population of 2.8 million people, including about 177,000 Russians as an ethnic minority. The Russian-speaking population in Lithuania is concentrated in the capital Vilnius.Statistically…
Ireland : Official Launch of Managing the Sustainable Home – A New Course Offering by Education Training Board and MABS Money Advice and Budgeting Service (MABS) in…
In this edition: Foundation of the CCD II Working Group Invitation for the conference on the 21st of November in Brussels: Focus on the fight against over-indebtedness…
In our General Assembly in April 2024 we welcomed the Ministry for Social Policy and Children's Rights /Malta and the Observatoire du Crédit et de l'Endettement (OCE)…
Observatoire du Crédit et de l’Endettement (OCE) - Prevention of over-indebtedness tools4 Brochures designed to help consumers in Belgium(see )“Mon budget une question d’équilibre” (in English,…
The Observatoire du Crédit et de l'Endettement (OCE) is a non-profit association, active since 1994, in Belgium. The aim of the association is to study the financial…
The Ministry for Social Policy and Children’s Rights is dedicated to enhancing quality of life by providing adequate social benefits to individuals and families in need, offering…
Most of Europe's debt advisory centers are funded by the government on a local/national level. This system is mostly based on short or long-term projects, grants, or…