the academy

Livelihood security

Inside Material

Provision of an European Platform for the Prevention of Over-indebtedness by the Increase Accessibility and the Improvement of effectiveness of Debt Advice for Citizens


Beata SĖwiecka

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Livelihood security

1. Financial education
  • type of credit mortgages, consumer credit, credit cards
  • risks and dangers of modern financial products
  • cyber security of financial services
  • assessment of the financial situation early warning signs
  • repayment of debts vs debt consolidation debt rollover
  • risk of loans in other currencies,
  • calculations of interests
2. Budget advice and budget planning
  • help with weighting and prioritization,
  • tailor-made household budget
  • analysis of client shopping behaviors
  • analysis of client payment behavior (risk of unsecured payments, possible delays)
  • education about sharing economy (carpooling, the second use of clothes, fixing, reusing, among others),
  • online selling of unwanted things
  • financial planning

3. Income Maximization

  • analysis client job situation
  • national welfare programs (state benefits)
  • career counseling system in your country, subsidies
  • elements of career coaching (tests, strengths, weaknesses, how to ask for a raise)

This might include key aspects of security for households.

Co-Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or EISMEA. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.